How-to use different wind models

How-to use different wind models

Table of Contents Pro users can access multiple wind forecast models—including our new Australian Digital Forecast Database (ADFD) for Pro subscribers. ADFD is maintained by the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) and better integrates local terrain and weather observations into its forecasts, making it especially reliable for Australian conditions.


Requires a subscription to Pro.

Free vs. Pro Model Support

Free Users:

  • GFS 1° – a global model provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), updated 4 times per day.

Pro Users:

  • GFS 0.25° (Global) – a higher-resolution version of GFS for more precise forecasts.
  • HRRR (USA) – a high-resolution model optimized for short-term and localized weather events in the United States.
  • NAM (USA) – a regional North American model that balances resolution and forecast duration.
  • ADFD (Australia) – a detailed Australian model used in BoM’s own MetEye forecasts and official bulletins.

ADFD often outperforms GFS in Australia due to its higher resolution and explicit inclusion of local factors such as terrain variations, coastlines, and meteorological phenomena unique to the region. However, GFS remains valuable for global coverage and frequent updates, especially in areas without robust regional models.

Wind Model Comparison

Below is a quick-reference table highlighting our available wind models, their authors, coverage, typical accuracy, and other major uses.

ModelAvailabilityAuthorsLocation / DomainApprox. ResolutionForecast Steps
GFS 1°FreeNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)Global~111 km (1 degree)x4 daily
GFS 0.25°ProNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)Global~30 kmx4 daily
HRRRProNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)Continental US~3 kmhourly
NAMProNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)North America~12 km4x daily
ADFDProBureau of Meteorology (BOM)Australia~6 km (0.06 degrees)2x daily

Why Multiple Models?


While some models offer finer resolution, they may cover smaller areas or shorter forecast periods. Likewise, a model with frequent updates may not be as granular but can capture rapidly changing conditions more effectively.

Different models excel under different conditions. High-resolution models like HRRR or ADFD may capture local effects more accurately, but more frequent updates from a global model can better reflect on-the-ground changes—especially where local data is sparse. We recommend comparing forecasts to ground-truth wind barbs or live observations if available, to gain the most comprehensive understanding of current conditions.

By using a combination of global coverage (GFS) and regional insights (ADFD, HRRR, NAM), you have the best possible data wherever you are. Whether you’re monitoring a broad region days ahead or need precise forecasts over a shorter window, you can choose the model that best fits your scenario.

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