How do I use 3D mode in Pro?

How do I use 3D mode in Pro?

Table of Contents 3D Mode is only available to subscribers of Pro. You can subscribe at or find out more.


Requires a subscription to Pro.

When you get lost in 3D mode…

Before you start using 3D mode, to return to North-Up you can tap on the compass icon in the top-left of your screen. This helps you to get un-lost! This will reset your view so you’re looking at a North-Up map.

  • Tap on the compass icon in the top left of your screen.


To Enable 3D on a Mobile Device

  • Slide two fingers down/up the screen to change the angle you view the world.
  • Move two fingers in a circle like motion to rotate the screen (e.g. one finger moves from 12 o’clock to 1 o’clock, while the other moves from 6 o’clock to 7 o’clock).

To Enable 3D on a PC/Mac with a Mouse

Hold right click on the mouse and move the mouse around to change perspective.

To Enable 3D on a PC with a Touchpad

Hold down the Ctrl/Control key, click with the touchpad and move your finger around to change the perspective.

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